Video Games AI Graphics Software Web Development

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You are in the right place for finding information about me, my projects and the projects I’ve been involved in.

My name is Stefan and I am a programmer. I have a burning passion for computers, games and technology in general. You can find out about me, my skills and my work experience so far aici !

I have been involved in multiple projects that have gained me valuable experience with different tools commonly used in the gaming industry, like using Game Engines (Unity, Unreal), Developing Artificial Intelligence commonly used in games and programming a basic graphical application with shaders. Using the skills I have gained during University especially the experience I have gained with C++, I’ve developed two applications using C++ and wxWidgets. I’ve also delved into Web development as a personal venture where I have learned the React JS Framework and WordPress development. You can find all the projects I’ve been part of aici

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Proiecte notabile

Machine Guns and Helicopters

Anul dezvoltarii: 2020
Motor: Unity
Limbaj de programare: C#
Rol: Programator

Machine Guns and Helicopters este un joc top-down shooter unde jucatorul este un elicopter echipat cu o mitraliera si trebuie sa impuste navele spatiale ale extraterestrilor care au invadat Pamantul. La sfarsit trebuie sa elimine un boss.

Am ajutat la acest proiect prin dezvoltarea sistemelor de baza cum ar fi trasul, viata, manageriatul scorurilor, meniuri si mai multe.

Zombie Isolation

Anul dezvoltarii: 2022
Motor: Unity
Limbaj de programare: C#
Rol: Lead Programmer

Zombie Isolation este un joc top-down shooter in care valuri de zombi ataca jucatorul. Trebuie sa supravietuiesti cat de mult poti ajutat de power-up -urile care apar la intervale pre-setate in joc.

Am fost responsabil de manageriarea acestui proiect din punct de vedere al programarii cat timp am contribuit si eu.

Catacomb Descent

Anul dezvoltarii: 2023
Motor: Unity
Limbaj de programare: C#
Rol: Lead Programmer

Catacomb Descent este un platformer side-scroller cu mecanici de lupta. Jucatorul poate sa traga si sa explodeze pentru a elimina inamicii. Mecanici de platforming usoare combinate cu mecanici simple de lupta combinate rezulta intr-o experienta pe cinste !

Acest proiect l-am realizat singur.

Proiecte notabile

Game Engine

Anul dezvoltarii: 2022
Programming Language: C++
Libraries: SDL, imGUI
Rol: Lead Programmer

O implementare de baza a unui motor de jocuri video dezvoltat in C++, SDL si imGUI. Motorul este in stagiul de pre-Alpha si momentan permite doar trasul obiectelor din librarie in scena jocului, schimbarea unor valori pentru un obiect din scena specific, o ierarhie a obiectelor din scena si o fereastra pentru debugging.

Acest proiect l-am realizat singur.

Graphical Application

Anul dezvoltarii: 2022
Programming Language: C++
Libraries: SDL, GLEW
Rol: Lead Programmer

O aplicatie de baza construita cu C++, SDL si GLEW impreuna cu shadere de tip fragment si vertex.

Acest proiect l-am realizat singur.

Accounting Software

Anul dezvoltarii: 2023
Limbaj de programare: C#
Libraries: wxWidgets, SQLite
Rol: Programator

The program was custom made based on the client’s needs. It helps in managing the stocks of a restaurant, allowing the user to create, modify and delete recipes that can be added to an .csv file to be easily handed out to the accountant.

This was a solo project where I’ve been introduced to database management.

Proiecte notabile

Anul dezvoltarii: 2023
Developed with: WordPress
Rol: Lead Programmer

This website was made to help me showcase my projects to future employers while also providing them with useful information about me.

Year developed: 2023-2024
Developed with: WordPress
Rol: Lead Programmer

This is a website made for a constructions company located in Bucharest, Romania. The site as of now is still work in progress but it can be accessed. The client’s reference is in the projects page.

Year developed: 2024
Developed with: WordPress
Rol: Programator

This is a website made for a hostel located in the beautiful region of Calimanesti, Valcea. The site as of now is still work in progress but it can be accessed. The client’s reference is in the projects page.